IN4315 - Software Architecture

Presentation day

It’s your time to shine! Your team will:

  • Give a 10 minutes presentation. Your presentation should clearly explain the architecture of the software you analyzed. We know 10 minutes is not much, so focus on what’s essential.
  • Answer 10 minutes of questions from us and from the audience.
  • Send us the slides before the presentation (9am the latest).

As an expectator, you will:

  • Watch and learn about the architectures of the different systems we studied this year.
  • Give constructive feedback to that team. Remember, this can give you extra individual points.
  • You are allowed to switch rooms during the breaks.

At the end of the day, you are all invited the celebrate the end of this course at /pub!

The schedule of the presentation is as follows. The event will be held at the Civil Engineering & Geosciences building (Building 23), rooms 1.96 (room 1 in the schedule) and 1.98 (room 2 in the schedule).

Everyone is required to attend the final presentations days. If you have a special reason not to, please e-mail Maurício and Arie.